Everly & Monet Interior Design, Bethesda, MD & Atlanta, GA

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Creating A Well Designed Family Command Center

Dana is all about Beauty & Functionality. So almost before any designing happens, we have to organize the home. One areas that many struggle with is Kid Papers. Creating system of organization that address this is crucial!

Your home’s hub

“Please go through your children backpacks everynight & remove all important paperwork.” But what do we do with all that paperwork?? Weekly scheduled, Daily Menus, Graded Worked, Calendars, the list goes on. A home hub has been a great place for all those things to go. A central area where everyone can go to reference all the thing we “Must Remember!” A place to hang all the flyers. Boxes to hold all that precious school art:) This was so helpful for the Smollar Family.

Dana’s Key Items for the Home Home:

  1. Magnet Board for rotating paperwork

  2. Clear Bins with depth to hold all past work

  3. Dry Erase Board for family communication

  4. Desk Drawer Bins to organize drawer contents

The Eden family had the space, but needed the system to keep this family of 4 together. We had to reconceive the space to give them a central place easy find & reference their most important things. The home hub is an organized landing space. So it doesn’t just pile up on your kitchen table!

All of this hard work happens before a rug is laid, a picture is hung or new sofa purchased. Organization is the foundation of design. Before you make it pretty you got make it function, or the pretty won’t last for long. I am overjoyed when I chat with a client months later & they proudly say, “Dana the house still looks great & I’m putting everything in its place.” My work is done. It honestly means so much.